Digital Product Examples: 15 Profitable Products to Sell Online in 2023

Digital Product Examples

Did you know that ebooks and other digital products, such as business ideas, have completely transformed the online market? These easy-to-access, intangible goods have revolutionized the way we consume and interact with products on our mobile devices. Unlike physical products, digital offerings can be instantly downloaded or accessed online, making them incredibly convenient for consumers.

Here are 15 Profitable Digital Product Examples to Sell Online

  • Customizable Templates for Graphic Designers and Marketers
  • Online Courses and Tutorials for Educators and Trainers
  • Virtual Fitness Programs Tailored to Individual Needs
  • Professional Resume Templates for Job Seekers
  • Business Plan Guides for Aspiring Entrepreneurs
  • Time Management Tools to Boost Productivity
  • Royalty-free music tracks for content creators
  • Sound effects libraries for film producers and game developers
  • Music production tutorials catering to different skill levels
  • Goal-setting worksheets
  • Communication strategies e-books
  • Financial planning spreadsheets
  • Interactive Learning Games
  • Printable Coloring Books
  • Educational E-books

Digital products, such as ebooks and online courses, offer a wide range of business ideas and opportunities. Whether you’re interested in graphic design or looking to optimize your mobile device, there’s a digital product out there for you.

We’ll delve into the significance of ebooks and video in our increasingly digital world and highlight how they have reshaped the way we research, shop, and consume. So buckle up as we embark on a journey through the exciting realm of digital products!

Benefits of Selling Digital Products Online

Selling ebooks and digital products online offers numerous benefits for businesses. Let’s explore some of the key advantages of selling digital products and services using SaaS.

Low production costs and high-profit margins

One major benefit of selling digital products, such as ebooks and online learning services, is the low production costs involved. Unlike physical goods, there are no manufacturing or shipping expenses associated with these digital goods. This means that businesses offering these services can enjoy higher profit margins as they don’t have to worry about overhead costs eating into their earnings. Additionally, by offering a membership option for access to these online learning resources, businesses can further capitalize on this profitable market.

Global reach and scalability for your business

Another advantage of selling digital products like ebooks, software, and services is the global reach it offers. With easy digital downloads, businesses can instantly reach customers around the world without any geographical limitations. This opens up a vast market and allows for increased sales potential, especially for businesses with a membership model.

Furthermore, selling software and video products offers scalability for your web-based business. Once you create a software or video product, it can be sold an unlimited number of times without requiring additional effort or resources. This allows businesses to grow exponentially without being limited by inventory or production constraints.

Passive income potential with minimal ongoing effort

Digital products, such as software and video, offer lucrative business ideas. They provide the opportunity for passive income streams with minimal ongoing effort. Once you have set up your sales process and implemented effective email marketing strategies, you can generate recurring revenue without constantly investing time and energy into active sales efforts. This is especially beneficial for those running a blog.

By leveraging software automation tools and optimizing your email marketing campaigns, you can create a system that generates sales on autopilot for your physical products. This will free up your time to focus on coaching and other aspects of your business or even pursue new product development on your site.

Top Digital Product Ideas for Different Industries

Customizable Templates for Graphic Designers and Marketers

  • Graphic designers and marketers can benefit from digital product ideas that offer customizable templates for physical products. For example, they can create videos or lists using these templates.

  • These templates are a great example of how to create professional designs without starting from scratch. They provide a convenient way to bring your product idea to life. Check out our list of templates and watch our video tutorial for more information.

  • With a wide range of options, designers and marketers can easily tailor their digital goods creations to suit their clients’ needs. One example of a platform that makes selling digital goods easy is Easy Digital Downloads.

Online Courses and Tutorials for Educators and Trainers

  • Educators and trainers can take advantage of digital product ideas such as online courses and tutorials. For example, one can explore the benefits of these educational resources.

  • These digital goods resources, like easy digital downloads, allow them to share their expertise with a wider audience, regardless of geographical limitations. For example, one can easily distribute their knowledge using these platforms.

  • Through interactive lessons and step-by-step instructions, educators can effectively teach various subjects or skills. For example, they can utilize digital downloads to enhance the learning experience. This allows for a more engaging and dynamic approach to education, where students can access resources and materials at their own pace. By incorporating these methods, educators can create a more personalized and effective learning environment for their students.

Virtual Fitness Programs Tailored to Individual Needs

  • Virtual fitness programs, like the example mentioned, are gaining popularity among individuals looking for personalized workout experiences. These digital product ideas provide a convenient and customizable way to stay active and fit.

  • These programs offer tailored exercises, nutrition plans, and tracking tools accessible through mobile devices. For example, users can access example exercises and example nutrition plans through their mobile devices. Additionally, they can track their progress using example tracking tools.

  • Users can conveniently achieve their fitness goals from the comfort of their own homes, for example.

In today’s digital age, businesses across different industries are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage with customers. Developing digital products, such as the example, has become an effective strategy to meet these evolving demands. Here are some top digital product ideas that cater to specific industries.

  1. Graphic Designers and Marketers: Providing customizable templates allows graphic designers and marketers to efficiently create visually appealing content. Whether it’s designing social media graphics or crafting marketing materials, these templates offer a starting point for professionals while still allowing room for customization based on individual requirements.

  2. Educators and Trainers: Online courses and tutorials have revolutionized the field of education. By offering virtual learning opportunities, educators and trainers can reach students beyond traditional classroom settings. These digital resources provide flexibility in terms of time, location, and subject matter, making education more accessible than ever before.

  3. Fitness Industry: Virtual fitness programs have gained significant popularity, especially with the rise of mobile devices. These programs offer personalized workout routines, nutrition plans, and progress tracking tools. Users can conveniently access these programs through their mobile devices, allowing them to stay fit and healthy from anywhere.

By embracing digital product ideas, businesses can tap into new markets and enhance their offerings. Whether it’s providing customizable templates for designers and marketers, online courses for educators, or virtual fitness programs for individuals, the possibilities are endless in today’s digital landscape. For example, businesses can provide customizable templates for designers and marketers, online courses for educators, or virtual fitness programs for individuals.

Fitness and Wellness Professionals

Fitness and wellness professionals are leveraging digital platforms to offer a wide range of services, such as workout plans and meal plans, that cater to the needs of individuals seeking to improve their health and well-being. With the advancement of technology, these professionals can now provide high-demand workout plans accessible from anywhere, personalized meal plans for specific dietary requirements, and meditation audio tracks promoting relaxation and stress relief. For example, they offer personalized meal plans for individuals with specific dietary requirements.

  • High-demand workout plans accessible from anywhere:

    • Fitness experts have developed digital programs that allow users to access workout routines conveniently from the comfort of their own homes. For example, these programs provide users with easy access to a variety of exercise routines and fitness plans.

    • These programs often include video demonstrations, step-by-step instructions, and progress tracking features. For example, these programs provide users with video demonstrations, step-by-step instructions, and progress tracking features.

    • Users can choose from various fitness levels, durations, and types of exercises based on their preferences and goals. For example, they can select beginner or advanced workouts, short or long durations, and different types of exercises like cardio or strength training.

  • Personalized meal plans for specific dietary requirements:

    • Fitness and wellness professionals now offer customized meal plans tailored to individual dietary needs, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, or keto diets. For example, these professionals can create personalized meal plans to accommodate specific dietary preferences.

    • These plans, for example, take into account personal preferences, allergies, and nutritional goals.

    • Users receive detailed example recipes with ingredient lists and cooking instructions for each meal.

  • Meditation audio tracks promoting relaxation and stress relief:

    • Recognizing the importance of mental well-being alongside physical fitness, many professionals provide meditation audio tracks as an example.

    • These tracks guide users through mindfulness exercises aimed at reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation.

    • Users can listen to these tracks at any time suitable for them, whether it’s during a workout session or before going to bed.

Fitness enthusiasts can now benefit from the expertise of fitness and wellness professionals through digital platforms. They can access high-demand workout plans anytime they want while enjoying personalized meal plans that cater specifically to their dietary requirements. They can find solace in meditation audio tracks designed to promote relaxation and alleviate stress. With these digital product examples available at their fingertips, individuals have more options than ever before.

Freelancers and Entrepreneurs

Professional Resume Templates for Job Seekers

Looking to land your dream job? As a freelancer or entrepreneur, it’s essential to have a professional resume that stands out from the crowd. With our collection of expertly designed resume templates, you can showcase your skills and experience in a visually appealing way. Choose from a variety of layouts and styles that cater to different industries and job roles. Whether you’re in the creative field or the corporate world, our templates will help you make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Business Plan Guides for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, having a solid business plan is crucial for success. Our comprehensive business plan guides provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a compelling roadmap for your venture. From market research to financial projections, we cover all the essential elements necessary to attract investors and secure funding. Whether you’re starting a small business or launching an online startup, our guides will help you navigate the complexities of the industry and set yourself up for long-term growth.

Time Management Tools to Boost Productivity

As freelancers or small business owners, time is money. To maximize productivity and stay organized, utilizing effective time management tools is essential. Our selection of user-friendly software solutions and apps can help streamline your workflow, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional services to your customers. From project management platforms to task trackers and scheduling tools, there are various options available that cater specifically to freelancers and entrepreneurs. Take advantage of these resources to optimize your efficiency and ensure timely delivery of projects.

Musicians and Audio Creators

Are you a musician or audio creator looking for digital products to enhance your work? Look no further! We have a range of options that cater specifically to your needs. Whether you’re a content creator, film producer, game developer, or someone simply interested in music production, we have something for everyone.

Royalty-free music tracks for content creators

As a content creator, finding the right music to accompany your videos can be challenging. Our extensive collection of royalty-free music tracks ensures that you have access to high-quality audio that perfectly complements your videos. Say goodbye to copyright issues and hello to seamless integration!

Sound effects libraries for film producers and game developers

If you’re working on a film or developing a game, sound effects play a crucial role in creating an immersive experience. Our vast sound effects libraries offer an array of options suitable for all kinds of projects. From explosions and footsteps to futuristic sounds and ambient noise, you’ll find everything you need to bring your creations to life.

Music production tutorials catering to different skill levels

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, our music production tutorials are here to help. With step-by-step instructions and expert tips, you’ll learn how to use software like Kadence Shop Kit effectively. No matter your level of expertise, these tutorials will empower you with the knowledge needed to create professional-grade audio.

With these digital product examples tailored specifically for musicians and audio creators, you can take your work to new heights. Explore our offerings today and unlock endless possibilities for enhancing your projects with captivating audio and sound effects.

Coaches and Consultants

As a coach or consultant, you need effective tools to help your clients achieve success. Here are some digital product examples that can support your coaching journey:

Goal-setting worksheets

Provide your clients with interactive worksheets that guide them through the process of setting goals. These worksheets will enable them to clarify their objectives and create actionable plans.

Communication strategies e-books

Leadership is all about effective communication. Offer e-books that provide valuable insights and practical tips on improving communication skills. These resources will empower your clients to lead with confidence.

Financial planning spreadsheets

Personal finance coaches can offer financial planning spreadsheets as part of their coaching packages. These customizable templates allow clients to track expenses, set budgets, and plan for future financial goals.

By incorporating these digital products into your coaching or consulting practice, you can enhance the value you provide to your clients. They can access these resources at their convenience and refer back to them whenever needed.

Remember, as a coach or consultant, it’s important to have options available for your clients. Consider creating a shop kit where they can choose from different guides tailored to their specific needs. This way, they have the flexibility to select the resources that align best with their goals and preferences.

If you’re ready to take your coaching or consulting business to the next level, explore these digital product examples and see how they can benefit both you and your clients. Start offering goal-setting worksheets, communication strategies e-books, financial planning spreadsheets, and more!

So why wait? Give us a call today and let’s discuss how we can help you expand your offerings with these valuable digital products for coaches and consultants.

Remember – success starts with the right tools!

Kids and Education

Interactive Learning Games

Engage your kids in interactive learning games that target various subjects. These games are designed to make education fun and exciting for young learners. With a wide range of options available, your kids can explore different topics while developing their skills. Examples include:

  • Math puzzles and quizzes

  • Language learning games

  • Science experiments and simulations

Printable Coloring Books

Let your kids unleash their creativity with printable coloring books featuring popular characters. These coloring books not only provide entertainment but also help improve fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Choose from a variety of themes, such as:

  • Animals

  • Fairy tales

  • Superheroes

Educational E-books

Foster creativity in children with educational e-books that offer engaging content and interactive features. These e-books cover a wide range of subjects, allowing kids to learn while having fun. Some examples include:

  • Art and drawing tutorials

  • Storybooks with moral lessons

  • Science experiments for curious minds

By incorporating these digital products into your child’s education, you can provide them with valuable learning experiences in an enjoyable format.

Remember, the key is to make learning fun and interactive for kids through online courses, video series, printables, and other resources tailored to their interests and abilities. Encourage them to explore new ideas, challenge themselves, and connect with a community of like-minded young learners.

So why wait? Start exploring the world of digital products for kids today!

Artists and Creatives

If you’re an artist or creative, there are plenty of digital product examples that can help enhance your work and boost your creativity. Here are some options to consider:

  • Digital art brushes compatible with popular software: Upgrade your digital art skills with a wide range of brushes designed for various artistic styles. These brushes can be used in popular software like Photoshop, Procreate, or Illustrator to add unique textures, effects, and details to your artwork.

  • Design resources like fonts, icons, or textures: Access a vast collection of design resources such as fonts, icons, and textures to elevate your graphic design projects. Whether you’re designing a logo, creating social media graphics, or working on a website layout, these resources provide endless possibilities for customization.

  • Creative writing prompts inspiring writers’ imagination: Overcome writer’s block and unlock your imagination with creative writing prompts. These prompts offer ideas and scenarios that can spark new storylines or help develop existing ones. They cover various genres and themes to cater to different writing interests.

By utilizing these digital products specifically tailored for artists and creatives, you can take your artistry to the next level. Whether it’s experimenting with new brush strokes in digital art or finding the perfect font for a design project, these tools provide endless opportunities for expression.

Digital products are things that you can use on a computer or phone. Two examples are e-books and mobile apps. E-books are like books that you read on a screen. They have words and pictures, but you can’t touch them. Mobile apps are special programs that you can download and use on your phone or tablet. They can be games or helpful tools. People who make e-books and apps need design skills to make them look good.

There are also other digital products like music, movies, and TV shows that you can listen to or watch online. Different people have different skills to make these things. Some people write stories, some design covers, and some code and program. If you want to make digital products, it’s good to learn different skills like writing, drawing, and coding. So next time you use an e-book or app, think about all the cool things that go into making them!

Selling Digital Products: A Lucrative Opportunity for Artists and Creatives

Are you an artist or a creative looking to monetize your skills and passion? Selling digital products can be a great way to generate income while showcasing your talent to a wider audience. In this section, we will explore the various opportunities and options available to artists and creatives when it comes to selling digital products.

Comparison Table: Selling Digital Products

  • Share your expertise
  • High-value product
  • Can charge premium fees
  • Requires time to create
  • May need ongoing updates
  • In-depth learning experience
3D Models
  • High demand
  • Can be sold multiple times
  • Can cater to many types of industries
  • Requires technical skills
  • Competition from other sellers
  • Versatile and customizable
  • Saves time for buyers
  • Can be used for various purposes
  • Can charge for customization services
  • Need to create multiple templates
  • May require ongoing updates
  • Easy to use and customize
Stock Footage
  • High demand for visual content
  • Can sell multiple licenses
  • Can cater to various industries
  • Requires quality equipment
  • May need to shoot and edit frequently
  • Wide range of subject matters
  • Valuable information
  • Can cater to specific industries
  • Can charge premium fees
  • Requires research and analysis
  • May need to update data regularly
  • Unique and specialized insights

Examples and Options for Selling Digital Products

  1. Courses:

    • Teach a course on graphic design fundamentals.

    • Create an online workshop on watercolor painting techniques.

    • Offer a video tutorial series on 3D modeling.

  2. 3D Models:

    • Sell architectural models for interior design projects.

    • Create character models for video game developers.

    • Offer product models for e-commerce websites.

  3. Templates:

    • Design website templates for small businesses.

    • Create resume templates for job seekers.

    • Offer social media post templates for content creators.

  4. Stock Footage:

    • Shoot and sell nature footage for documentaries.

    • Create urban footage for advertising agencies.

    • Offer aerial footage for travel vlogs.

  5. Data:

    • Provide market research data for specific industries.

    • Offer demographic data for targeted marketing campaigns.

    • Create industry reports with valuable insights.

Selling digital products can be done through various platforms, such as your own website, online marketplaces, or membership sites. Consider your target audience and the best platform to reach them effectively.

With the right combination of creativity, quality, and marketing, selling digital products can be a lucrative venture for artists and creatives. So, whether you’re a kid who loves drawing or a dog lover with a knack for pet portraits, there’s a digital product waiting to be created and sold. Embrace the digital era and turn your passion into profit!

Now that you have an overview of the opportunities and options available, it’s time to unleash your creativity and start selling your digital products. The possibilities are endless, and the rewards can be significant. Get ready to showcase your talent, connect with customers, and build a thriving business in the digital realm. Good luck!

Authors and Writers

Self-publishing guides simplifying the book publishing process:

  • Step-by-step instructions on self-publishing your own books

  • Tips and tricks for formatting ebooks and prints

  • Guidance on creating eye-catching book covers

  • Strategies for marketing and promoting your work

Writing workshops covering different genres or techniques:

  • Interactive sessions to enhance your writing skills

  • Workshops focused on specific genres like mystery, romance, or fantasy

  • Techniques to improve character development, plot structure, and dialogue

  • Feedback from experienced writers to refine your craft

Plot outline templates aiding authors in story development:

  • Ready-to-use templates for organizing your ideas

  • Options for different types of stories such as novels, short stories, or series

  • Sections to outline characters, conflicts, and resolutions

  • Tools to help you stay organized throughout the writing process

Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, these resources cater to all types of authors. Many people have found success in self-publishing their own books or sharing their work through blogs and websites. With the rise of ebooks and online platforms, writers now have more opportunities than ever before.

By utilizing self-publishing guides, attending writing workshops, and using plot outline templates, writers can take their creativity to new heights. These resources provide invaluable support for aspiring authors looking to share their stories with the world.

So whether you’re a website owner looking to sell an ebook or a writer dreaming of publishing your first book, consider exploring these options. Start crafting captivating stories that will engage readers across various platforms. Unleash your imagination today!

Innovative and Tailored Solutions: Unlocking the potential of digital products.

Freelance writers and authors have found a great way to monetize their skills and expertise through the creation and sale of digital products. These products can range from online courses and templates to stock photography and newsletter subscriptions. Let’s explore some of the popular digital products that authors and writers can create and sell.

Online Courses

  • Freelance writers can create online courses to teach others how to improve their writing skills or start a freelance writing career.

  • These courses can be sold at different price points, depending on the level of expertise and the amount of content included.

  • Online courses can be created using platforms like Teachable, Thinkific, or Udemy.


  • Authors and writers can create templates for various purposes, such as writing resumes, cover letters, or blog posts.

  • These templates can be sold individually or as part of a bundle, offering a variety of options to customers.

  • Templates can be created using tools like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Canva.

Stock Photography

  • Many authors and writers also have a knack for photography, and they can leverage this skill by selling stock photos.

  • Stock photography can be used by website owners, small businesses, or even other authors to enhance their content.

  • Platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or iStock allow photographers to sell their images.

Newsletter Subscriptions

  • Authors and writers can create newsletters on topics they are passionate about and charge a subscription fee.

  • Newsletters can provide exclusive content, tips, or insights to subscribers.

  • Platforms like Substack, ConvertKit, or Mailchimp can be used to manage and distribute newsletters.

Membership Sites

  • Authors and writers can create membership sites where subscribers can access exclusive content or resources.

  • These sites can be focused on specific topics, such as writing tips, book recommendations, or industry insights.

  • Membership sites can be built using platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Kajabi.

Creating and selling digital products can be a lucrative venture for authors and writers. It allows them to monetize their expertise, reach a wider audience, and generate passive income. By leveraging platforms and tools available, authors and writers can overcome the challenges of selling digital products and establish themselves as successful online entrepreneurs. So, whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting out, consider exploring the world of digital products and discover the endless possibilities it offers.

Faith-Based and Content Creators

  • Bible study guides for individual or group use

  • Devotional podcasts providing spiritual guidanc

  • Religious artwork and prints for home deco

Looking to deepen your faith or create meaningful content? Here are some digital product examples that can help you on your journey:

  1. Bible study guides: Whether you prefer studying alone or in a group, digital Bible study guides offer valuable insights and reflections. Dive into specific books of the Bible, explore themes, or follow a guided reading plan. These interactive resources provide a structured approach to understanding scripture.
  2. Devotional podcasts: In need of spiritual guidance on the go? Devotional podcasts deliver exclusive content straight to your ears. Listen to inspiring messages from renowned speakers, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and find solace in their words of wisdom. With new episodes regularly released, these podcasts keep you connected wherever you are.

  3. Religious artwork and prints: Add a touch of spirituality to your living space with religious artwork and prints designed specifically for home decor. From serene landscapes to powerful quotes, these digital creations bring a sense of peace and inspiration into your surroundings. Choose from various styles and sizes to find the perfect piece that resonates with your beliefs.

By leveraging video content, exclusive content, and other forms of creative expression, faith-based content creators have built an online community centered around spiritual growth and connection. So whether you’re seeking guidance through Bible study guides, looking for uplifting messages through devotional podcasts, or want to infuse your home with religious artwork, there are plenty of digital products available to support you on your faith journey.

Remember: Building a strong relationship with your faith is personal; these digital products simply serve as tools along the way!


In conclusion, selling digital products online can be a lucrative venture in 2023. By harnessing the power of technology and the internet, individuals from various industries can tap into new opportunities for generating income. Whether you’re a fitness professional, freelancer, musician, coach, artist, author, or content creator, there are countless possibilities to explore.

The benefits of selling digital products are manifold. They allow you to reach a global audience without geographical limitations. Digital products also offer scalability since they can be replicated and sold repeatedly without additional production costs. Moreover, they provide flexibility in terms of pricing and packaging options.

To get started on your journey towards selling profitable digital products, consider some top ideas tailored to specific industries:

  • Fitness and wellness professionals can create workout programs or meal plans.
  • Freelancers and entrepreneurs can offer templates or e-books related to their expertise.
  • Musicians and audio creators can sell music tracks or sound effects.
  • Coaches and consultants can develop online courses or coaching sessions.
  • Kids and education professionals can create interactive learning materials.
  • Artists and creatives can sell digital art prints or design assets.
  • Authors and writers can publish e-books or guides on various topics.
  • Faith-based individuals and content creators can offer spiritual resources.

Now is the time to seize this opportunity! Leverage your skills and knowledge to create valuable digital products that cater to your target audience’s needs. Remember to market your offerings effectively through social media platforms, email marketing campaigns, or collaborations with influencers.

So why wait? Start brainstorming ideas today and embark on your journey as a successful digital product entrepreneur!

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